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University Center for Economic Development and International Trade (UCEDIT)

The mission of the University Center for Economic Development and International Trade is to serve the people of Delaware by improving their understanding of the state’s economy while supporting Delaware’s efforts to make the First State the First Choice of the global business economy.

The University Economic Development and International Trade Center will develop, and ultimately highlight on First State updates, economic development, models and projects, workforce analysis and development initiatives, small business development programs and international trade initiatives for small to mid-sized enterprises.

The Delaware State University Economic Trade and Development Center will leverage the expertise available at the University to equip the public and decision makers with timely information and reliable analyses necessary for efficient and thoughtful discussions surrounding public policy analysis.

Learn more about UCEDIT



Photo: Joby S4, a four-passenger eVTOL air taxi by JOBY Aviation, demo aircraft at Grand Central Terminal, NY, Oct, 2024

The Center for Advanced Air Mobility (CAAM) is committed to pioneering advancements in low-altitude air transportation by integrating cutting-edge technologies for the safe, efficient, and sustainable movement of people and goods. A joint initiative of the Department of Business Administration and the Department of Aviation, CAAM bridges the gap between business and aviation to address key challenges in this emerging industry.

Co-Directors: Dr. Devdeep Maity and LTC (Ret) Jonathan Busch

Learn more about CAAM

Center for IT Services

cits logoThe Center for Information Technology Services (CITS) aims to provide professional IT services to organizations in and around Delaware and to engage collaborative research in the field.

The Center for Information Technology Services (CITS) is primarily focused on meeting the information technology needs of the organizations such as government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and small business enterprises in and around Delaware as well as engaging in collaborative research with the scholars of other disciplines and institutions. Excellence in service and research is our challenge and responsibility.

Co-Directors: Dr. DaeRyong David Kim and Dr. Zahid B Zamir.

Learn more about CITS

Delaware Center for Transportation

The objective of the Delaware Center for Transportation Management is to become a premier resource in the State of Delaware for teaching, training and research in transportation management. The Center will be housed in the College of Business at Delaware State University. The Center will be headed by a director with project-based staff support. The Center will work closely and collaboratively with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DELDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and business and industry in Delaware.

Director: Dr. Martin Nunlee 

Contact us for more information.

Center for the Study of Innovation Management

The Center for the Study of Innovation Management (CSIM) housed in the Department of Business Administration, College of Business at Delaware State University, is a research unit focused on the study of innovation management in organizations. Innovation management is defined as the activities, processes, routines and systems that foster knowledge creation, transformation, dissemination and sharing as it moves an organization toward change and adaptation in its pursuit of value creation and competitiveness. Entrepreneurship is intrinsic to this concept of innovation. The CSIM has a multidisciplinary orientation in its programs and activities and embraces academic research from colleagues with expertise in psychology, sociology, human behavior, cognitive science, organizational behavior, management, marketing, information systems, economics, accounting, finance and other disciplines applicable to the study of innovation management.

Director: Dr. Carlos M. Rodriguez

Learn more about CSIM

Delaware Center for Enterprise Development (DCED)

The Delaware Center for Enterprise Development (DCED) at Delaware State University has assisted in the development of enterprises since 1992. DCED is the community outreach arm of the College of Business. It provides business training and entrepreneurial education for youth and adults, supports community economic development initiatives and offers one-on-one technical assistance to entrepreneurs. The mission of the Delaware Center for Enterprise Development (DCED) is to educate current and prospective entrepreneurs and enterprise managers through training programs, technical and managerial assistance and by providing access to capital.

SAP Center of Excellence

The “Project Propel Empowered by SAP” initiative spearheaded by DSU, ASUG and SAP (through the SAP® University Alliances program and Black Employee Network) is intended to enable HBCUs to empower their students with knowledge of the latest SAP technologies. The goal is to better prepare HBCU graduates with critical skills that are in demand among companies in the SAP ecosystem, enhancing their academic and career outcomes.