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Derald E. Wentzien, PhD

derald wentzienVisiting Professor of Business Analytics
Office: 210D Bank of America Building
dwentzien [at] desu.edu


University of Delaware, Newark
Doctorate of Philosophy — Operations Research

Trenton State College, Ewing, New Jersey
Master of Arts – Mathematics

Trenton State College, Ewing, New Jersey
Bachelor of Science – Mechanical Engineering Technology


  • Data Analysis
  • Linear Programming
  • Scheduling Models
  • Forecasting Techniques
  • Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes


  1. D’Souza, M.J.; Bautista, R.C.; Wentzien, D. E.; Data Talks: Obesity-Related Influences on US Mortality Rates; Research Health Sciences, 2018, 3(3), (pp. 65-78)
  2. D’Souza, M.J.; Shuman, K.E.; Wentzien, D.E.; Roske, K.P.; Working with the Wesley College Cannon Scholar Program: Improving Retention, Persistence, and Success; Journal STEM Education, 2018, 19(1), (pp. 31-40).  
  3. D’Souza, M.J.; Brandenburg, E.A.; Wentzien, D.E.; Bautista, R.C.; Nwogbaga, A.P.; Miller, R.G., & Olsen, P.E.; Descriptive and Inferential Statistics in Undergraduate Data Science Research Projects; Hokkaido Information University, (Ed.), Advances in Statistical Methodologies and Their Application to Real Problems (pp. 295-315). InTech.doi: 10.5772/65721.
  4. D’Souza, M.J.; Wentzien, D.E.; Bautista, R.C.; Gross, C.E.; Investigation of Obesity-Related Mortality Rates in Delaware; American Journal of Health Sciences, 2017, 8(1), 19-32, PMCID: PMC5501276.
  5. D’Souza, M.J.; Walls, K-J; Rojas, C; Everett, L.M.; Wentzien, D.E.; Effect of Gender and Lifestyle Behaviors on BMI Trends in a Sample of the First State’s Undergraduate Population; American Journal of Health Sciences, 2015, (6), 59-74, PMCIC: PMC445742


  1. Northeast Regional Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Conference, September 24-26 2015, Bar Harbor Maine
  2. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Conference, February 12-16, 2015, San Jose Conference Center 
  3. Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (SUMS) Conference, October 4, 2014, James Madison University.
  4. Undergraduate Research and Service Celebratory Symposium, August 14, 2014, University of Delaware.
  5. Careers in Mathematics Conference, EPADEL, October 2013, West Chester University.
  6. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute, November 2012, San Francisco, CA.
  7. Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics (SUMS) Conference, September 29, 2012, James Madison University.
  8. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute Northeast Region, April, 2012, Newport, RI.
  9. Careers in Mathematics Conference, EPADEL, October, 2011, West Chester University.
  10. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute Northeast Region, April, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  11. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region, March, 2010, Dallas, TX.
  12. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute, November, 2009, New Orleans, LA.
  13. Annual Conference, Assessment Institute, October, 2009, Indianapolis, IN.
  14. Annual Conference, Decision Sciences Institute Northeast Region, April, 2009, Mohegan Sun, CT.  
  15. Applying Science to the Art of Business, Informs Conference on OR/MS Practice, April 13 – 15, 2008, Baltimore, MD.
  16. Careers in Mathematics Conference, EPADEL, October 20, 2007, West Chester University.
  17. Workshop on the Teaching of Linear Algebra, March 25, 2006, Drexel University.
  18. Annual Meeting, Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, June 1997 
  19. Annual Meeting, Northeast Decision Sciences Institute, April 1997
  20. Annual Meeting, Northeast Agricultural Economics Association, Newark, DE, June 1994
  21. Annual Meeting, National Decision Sciences Institute, November 1993, Washington, DC.


  1. United Methodist Foundation Exemplary Teaching Award 2005-2006
  2. 2006 President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Wesley College


  • Introduction to Analytics
  • Programming for Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics